In the second installment of the award-winning, critically acclaimed Lightfall series, Bea and Cad continue their quest to stop Kest, the mythic bird who stole the sun.
After a battle that nearly cost them their lives, Bea and Cad awaken in the hidden settlement of the Arsai, mysterious creatures who can glimpse into the future. The Arsai’s vision paints a dire picture for their planet, as the bird Kest Ke Belenus — now awoken from a restless slumber — threatens to destroy all the Lights of Irpa. Desperate for a solution, Bea and Cad seek out the help of a water spirit known as Lorgon, whose ancient wisdom may help them find a way to take down Kest and save Irpa from utter destruction.
But when their time with Lorgon presents more questions than answers, Bea and Cad must decide what’s more important: stopping Kest or uncovering the truth.
ISBN: 9780062990488
Series: Lightfall Book #2
Imprint: Harper Alley
Publication Date: 18 May 2022
Dimensions: 154mm x 218mm
Weight: 450g
No. Of Pages: 256